IR Size: 14x17 LW
SID: 40""
Page #'s: 1:474,202
A radiopaque spot marker is placed: on skin at area of pain
Erect preferred to: drop diaphragm & to see air & fluid levels
Hands on: hips & rotate shoulders forward (Moves scapula out of way)
CR Entrance & Angle:
_|_ to center of IR
Best to Determine:
Anterior ribs 1-9 with the posterior portions AD
If ribs 7-9 aren't well demonstrated, angle CR 10-15 caudad
Eval Criteria:
1st - 9th ribs in their entirety, with posterior portions above diaphragm
1st - 7th anterior ribs from both sides, in their entirety & above diaphragm
In a unilateral examination, ribs from opposite side possibly not included in entirety.
Ribs visible through lungs with sufficient
AP (Above Diaphragm)
IR Size: 14x17 LW
SID: 40""
Page #'s: 1:476,204
A radiopaque spot marker is placed: on skin at area of pain
Erect preferred to: drop diaphragm & to see air & fluid levels
Hands: behind head and point elbows forward to draw scapula laterally
CR Entrance & Angle:
_|_ to center of IR
Best to Determine:
Posterior ribs 1-10 AD
Eval Criteria:
For ribs above the diaphragm, 1st - 10th posterior ribs from both sides in their entirety
Ribs visible through the lungs or abdomen
In a unilateral examination, ribs from opposite side possibly not included in entirety.
AP (Below Diaphragm)
IR Size: 14x17 CW
SID: 40""
Page #'s: 1:476,204
A radiopaque spot marker is placed: on skin at area of pain
Supine preferred: to raise diaphragm
Hands: in a comfortable position
CR Entrance & Angle:
_|_ to center of IR
Best to Determine:
Posterior ribs 8-12 BD
Eval Criteria:
For ribs below the diaphragm, 8th - 12th posterior ribs on both sides in their entirety
Ribs visible through the lungs or abdomen
In a unilateral examination, ribs from opposite side possibly not included in entirety.
AP Oblique (RPO/LPO)
IR Size: 14x17 LW
SID: 40""
Page #'s: 1:478,206
A radiopaque spot marker is placed: on skin at area of pain
Body rotated: 45° affected toward IR
Abduct arm of: affected (Hand behind head)
CR Entrance & Angle:
_|_ to center over affected to IR
Suspend on inspiration (AD) Expiration (BD)
Best to Determine:
Axillary portion & posterior ribs closest to IR
Eval Criteria:
Approximately twice as much distance between the vertebral column and the lateral border of the ribs on the affected side as is present on the unaffected side
Axillary portion of the ribs free of SI
1st - 10th ribs visible above diaphragm for upper ribs
8th - 12th ribs visible below diaphragm for lower ribs
Ribs visible through the lungs or abdomen according to region examined
PA Oblique (RAO/LAO)
IR Size: 14x17 LW
SID: 40""
Page #'s: 1:480,208
A radiopaque spot marker is placed: on skin at area of pain
Body rotated: 45° affected away from IR
Abduct arm of: affected (Hand on Bucky)
CR Entrance & Angle:
_|_ to center over affected to IR
Suspend on inspiration (AD) Expiration (BD)
Best to Determine:
Axillary portion & anterior ribs farthest from IR
Eval Criteria:
Approximately twice as much distance between the vertebral column and the lateral border of the ribs on the affected side as is present on the unaffected side
Axillary portion of the ribs free of SI
1st - 10th ribs visible above diaphragm for upper ribs
8th - 12th ribs visible below diaphragm for lower ribs
Ribs visible through the lungs or abdomen according to region examined