IR Size: 14x17 Bucky CW
SID: 40''
Page #'s: 1:337,134
=Pt supine
(If no suspected Fx) Separate heels 8''-10'' & medially rotate feet 15°-20°
TOF 1''-1.5'' Superior to iliac crests
CR Entrance & Angle:
_|_ 2'' inferior ASIS or 2'' superior pubic symphysis
Eval Criteria:
NR-Both ilia & Both greater trochanters equidistant to the edge
Lower vertebral column centered
NO SI of femoral necks
Entire pelvis along with the proximal femora
Must include iliac crests & proximal femur
Femoral neck & greater trochanter in profile
Symmetric obturator foramina, Ischial spines equally shown, Symmetric ilia alae, Sacrum & coccyx aligned with the pubic symphysis
AP Oblique
(Modified Cleaves)
IR Size: 14x17 Bucky CW
SID: 40''
Page #'s: 1:342,126
=Pt supine
(If no suspected Fx) Flex knees as much as possible
abduct thighs as much as possible (approx 45° from vertical)
soles of feet against each other
CR Entrance & Angle:
_|_ MSP 1'' superior pubic symphysis
Eval Criteria:
NR of pelvis, as evidenced by a symmetric appearance
No SI of Femoral neck by the greater trochanter; excess abduction causes the greater trochanter to obstruct the neck.
Lesser trochanter on the medial side of the femur
Femoral axes extended from the hip bones at equal angles
Acetabulum, femoral head, & femoral neck Shown